
If you are interested in becoming a student at Providence Baptist College, you can start by applying to become a student. Applying online takes only a few minutes and will allow you to advance one step closer to achieving your goal of attending Bible college.

There are 3 steps to complete the application process.

  • Complete the application form below

  • Complete and submit the required certificates and references.

  • Submit the application fee. Fee is $25 if the start of the semester is more than 45 days out. Fee is $50 if the start of the semester is sooner than 45 days.


General Info

Known addictions, questionable practices, misdemeanors, felonies, etc. If yes, briefly explain below. Type "n/a" if non-applicable

Student Info
Academic Info
Medical Info
Spiritual Info

Please write a detailed explanation about your salvation experience, your call to service, your reasons for attending Providence Baptist College, and your plans after graduation.

Terms and Conditions

Because of the Biblical mandates against them, Providence Baptist College prohibits the use of alcohol, narcotics (including marijuana) and tobacco. The use of any of these substances at any time is expressly prohibited while enrolled at Providence Baptist College. Do you agree to totally abstain from these substances while enrolled at Providence Baptist College?

Upon registration, I agree to comply with the doctrines, rules, regulations, and financial obligations of Providence Baptist College. By checking the box below, I hereby certify that this application is true and complete with no omissions in any area and that I realize any untrue statement may make me subject to immediate dismissal from Providence Baptist College. (If under 18, parent must review information and check 'agree' below.)

Next Step

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