Staff & Faculty

Our administrative staff and faculty, Northwest Bible Baptist Church's pastoral staff and laymen, and other local pastors.


The Administration of Providence Baptist College serves its students by providing the needed resources for student success through daily personal interaction. Teaching in the classroom and mentoring during ministry, each member of the administration strives to influence the next generation for Christ. Students know that the administration maintains a constant staff presence around campus so that each student's need is met at all times.

Pastor Phil Cavanaugh



Dr. Keith Gomez


Instructor—Bible, Church Education

Dr. Michael Hall

Vice President

Instructor—Bible, Education, Music

Bro. David Hallberg

Academic Dean

Instructor—Bible, Education, Music

Bro. Jason Bartels

Dean of Men


Mrs. Michelle Waddell

Dean of Women

Instructor—Music, Education

Bro. Don Ossewaarde

Recruiting Coordinator

Instructor—Bible, Education, Missions

Bro. Phil Johnson

Tech Support

Instructor—Bible, Graphics, Mathematics

Bro. Uziel Perales

Dean of Ministry

Instructor— Graphics, Media

Adjunct Faculty

Providence Baptist College students have the privilege to interact with area pastors and pastors' wives on a weekly basis. Because the adjunct faculty believe in the next generation, they take time out of their respective ministries each week to invest in the future. Each pastor is able to mentor and teach students Biblical ministry methods while illustrating these methods with concrete examples from his own unique ministry experience. Because of this, students can take the lessons learned from experienced pastors and then implement these ideas into their weekend ministries.

Pastor Terry Anglea

Faith Baptist Church
(Bourbonnais, IL)

Instructor—Bible, Church Education

Pastor Cecil Ballard

Grace Baptist Church (Marion, IA)

Instructor—Bible, Church Education

Pastor Keith Harrison

Grace Baptist Church
(Lockport, IL)

Instructor—Bible, Church Education, Missions

Pastor Edward Mast

Old Paths Baptist Church (Dubuque, IA)

Instructor—Bible, Church Education

Mrs. Joyce Anglea

Wife of Pastor Terry Anglea


The resident faculty of Providence Baptist College provides the backbone of instruction for the college student. Whether Bible, music, education, digital media, or church ministries, faculty members teach courses specific to the field of their expertise. Not only does each faculty member provide expert instruction in their field, but also each serves as a role-model teaching students to serve God and others through the work of the ministry.

Ms. Debbie Agnew

Instructor—Secretarial Science

Dr. Ken Anderson

Instructor—Bible, Business, Church Ministry, History

Mrs. Elaine Budz

Instructor—Business, Secretarial Science

Mrs. Audrey Perales

Academic Secretary

Instructor - Grammar

Bro. Todd Oprzedek


Mrs. Nancy Landon

Student Teacher Coordinator

Miss Susie Legree

Kitchen Supervisor

Mrs. Esther Lennard


Mrs. Carrie Merriott

Administrative Secretary

Instructor—Graphics, Secretarial Science

Mrs. Michele Pitre

Recruiting Secretary

Instructor—Secretarial Science

Miss Sarah Wood

Financial Secretary

Bro. Jake Robideau

Associate Pastor; Missions Director

Instructor—Bible, Church Ministry, History

Bro. Joel Szwarga

Youth Director

Instructor—Bible, Graphics, Youth

Bro. Steve Szwarga

Instructor—Bible, Greek, Science

Miss Brittany Taft

Instructor—Art Principles

Mrs. Kathryn Woehrle


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